What Is Bladder Cancer

bladder onco specialist NCR

What Is Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the bladder, which is a part of your body that holds urine. When normal cells in the bladder start to grow uncontrollably and form a lump, it’s called bladder cancer. This lump is called a tumor. Sometimes, these tumors can be benign, which means they’re not cancerous and usually aren’t harmful. But other times, the tumors can be cancerous, meaning they can spread to other parts of the body and cause problems.

Causes of Bladder Cancer

One of the biggest reasons for bladder cancer is smoking. The harmful chemicals in tobacco can get into your body and harm the cells in your bladder.
: Some jobs have chemicals that can make bladder cancer more likely. Jobs, where you work with dyes, rubber, or leather, can increase your risk.
Sometimes, if others in your family have bladder cancer, you might be more likely to get it too. This means your genes could play a part in causing bladder cancer.


It’s really important to spot the signs of bladder cancer early so it can be treated well. Some common signs are:

One big sign is seeing blood in your pee, which might make it look pink, red, or dark brown.
Whether the cancer is localized or has spread.
Feeling uncomfortable or in pain when you pee.
Having a sore back or tummy might mean the cancer is more serious.
Just like with many sicknesses, feeling really tired and losing weight without knowing why can also be signs.


The way we treat bladder cancer depends on how much it has grown and how serious it is. Here are the common treatments:

If the cancer is big or has spread, we might need to remove the bad tissue or even the whole bladder.
We use strong medicines to kill the bad cells or make them stop growing. This can happen before or after surgery.
We help the body's defenses fight the cancer cells better.
We use strong rays to either kill the cancer cells or make the tumors smaller. We often use this with other treatments.
We give medicines that aim at specific things in the cancer cells that make them grow. This helps the healthy cells stay safer.


Bladder cancer is a complicated illness with many things that can make it more likely to happen, signs that show it might be there, and ways to treat it. Finding it early is really important for getting better, so if you notice any worrying signs, it’s crucial to talk to a doctor. Living a healthy life by not smoking or using bad chemicals, eating well, and being active can also help lower the chance of getting bladder cancer. If a doctor says you have it, working closely with them to decide on the best treatment plan can make it more likely to get better and have a good life.

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