Orchiectomy – removal of one or both testicles

Orchiectomy Treatment Services in Delhi NCR

Introducing Dr. Amitabh Singh’s Orchiectomy Treatment Services for Urological Conditions.


Dr. Amitabh Singh, a renowned Uro-oncologist, specializes in providing orchiectomy, a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or both testicles. With a focus on personalized care, Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Doctor Delhi, offers comprehensive treatment options for various urological conditions that require this procedure.


Orchiectomy, also known as testis removal surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to remove one or both testicles. It is commonly used in the treatment of conditions such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and other urological disorders where hormonal control or cancer eradication is necessary.

Treatment Process

Your treatment journey begins with an initial consultation with Dr. Amitabh Singh. During this comprehensive session, he reviews your medical history, conducts a thorough evaluation, and discusses your symptoms and concerns. Dr. Singh may order specific diagnostic tests to determine the need for an orchiectomy.
Based on the evaluation results, Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Specialist Rohini, develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. If an orchiectomy is deemed necessary, he will discuss the reasons behind the recommendation and provide you with detailed information about the procedure.
The surgical removal of one or both testicles is performed under anesthesia in a hospital setting. Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Expert NCR, utilizes advanced surgical techniques to ensure a safe and effective procedure. Patient comfort is a priority, and every precaution is taken to minimize discomfort and post-operative complications.
After the orchiectomy, Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Surgeon RGCIRC, and his dedicated team provide comprehensive post-operative care. They closely monitor your recovery, manage pain and discomfort, and provide guidance on self-care during the healing process. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to assess your progress and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Why Choose Dr. Amitabh Singh's Orchiectomy Treatment Services ?

Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Specialist NCR, is a highly skilled Uro-oncologist with extensive experience in performing orchiectomy procedures. His expertise ensures that you receive the highest standard of care and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Doctor West Delhi, believes in tailoring each treatment plan to suit your individual needs. He takes into account your specific condition, overall health, and treatment goals to develop a personalized approach that meets your unique requirements.
Dr. Singh, Orchiectomy Cancer Treatment Doctor Delhi, and his compassionate team understand the challenges and concerns associated with undergoing an orchiectomy. They provide support and guidance throughout the treatment process, ensuring that you feel comfortable, informed, and cared for at every step.
Dr. Singh's approach to treatment extends beyond the procedure itself. He considers the long-term implications and works collaboratively with you to develop a comprehensive care plan that may include hormone replacement therapy or other interventions to support your overall well-being.

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

If you are considering or have been recommended an orchiectomy for a urological condition, Dr. Amitabh Singh is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule an Online Oncologist Consultation and embark on a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    During a radical inguinal orchiectomy, a surgical procedure to remove a testicle, a small incision is made above the pubic area. The surgeon will gently manipulate the testicle, pushing it up through the incision and extracting it. Importantly, the surgery does not impact the penis or the scrotum, the protective sac surrounding the testicles. Typically, the entire procedure lasts approximately one hour. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss the specific details and potential outcomes of the surgery in your individual case.
    If tests indicate a high likelihood of testicular cancer, an operation called an orchidectomy or orchiectomy is typically recommended to remove the affected testicle. This surgical procedure is relatively brief, and in many cases, patients can return home on the same day. However, there are instances where an overnight hospital stay may be necessary. The decision regarding the length of hospital stay depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the individual case and the recommendations of the healthcare team. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized information and guidance based on your specific situation.
    Individuals who have undergone one or both testicles removal may face an increased risk of hypogonadism, characterized by low testosterone production. The risk is particularly higher for those who have had both testicles removed. Low testosterone levels can lead to various effects, including infertility, erectile dysfunction, and a decreased sex drive (libido).
    During an orchidectomy or orchiectomy, there is a risk of damaging the ilioinguinal nerve, resulting in potential symptoms. These include numbness over the inner thigh, chronic groin and scrotal pain, intermittent and chronic back pain, and sudden loss of mobility in the lower back. Damage to the ilioinguinal nerve can lead to long-term discomfort and functional limitations. It is important for individuals experiencing these symptoms to consult with healthcare professionals for evaluation, proper diagnosis, and potential treatment options.
    Some potential complications associated with orchiectomy include:
    extensive bruising, blood clots, hemorrhaging, or internal bleeding, infertility, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, infection.
    Orchiectomy is a surgical procedure in which the testicles are surgically removed. For transfeminine individuals, undergoing an orchiectomy can have the additional benefit of simplifying their hormone regimen in the future. After the removal of the testicles, the body's production of testosterone, which is considered a male hormone, significantly decreases to nearly zero. This reduction in testosterone levels can make it easier to manage hormonal balance by reducing the need for anti-androgen medications or other testosterone-blocking measures.
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